Dead space movie downfall
Dead space movie downfall

dead space movie downfall dead space movie downfall

The main characters in the security team are typical sci/fi B movie stock characters.

dead space movie downfall

The captain and the doctor are pretty well done but since the story did not focus much on them, it was a wasted effort. Characterization wise, none of the characters really come across as any thing but one dimensional. Sadly, the film chooses to focus on the bland and clichéd story of the security team tackling the alien infestation. Hidden agendas are brought to light and trust goes down the drain hole, leading to the eventual breakdown of order on board the spaceship. It builds up very nicely to its satisfying climax and plays out like a live action movie in terms of the dialogue and level of acting. The more interesting parts of the story is actually the interplay between the captain, his bridge crew and the doctor. Throw in an internal power struggle between the ship's captain and his doctor, a dash of pseudo-religious talk and lots of bloody action and you get Dead Space Downfall. Spaceship responds to a distress signal from some far off mining colony, some alien organism gets on board and starts replicating and killing the crew. The story seems to be a blend of Aliens, Resident Evil(the game) and Doom(the movie). On first viewing i was impressed, though with subsequent viewings, the flaws started to bubble to the surface. Being a fan of animation, i immediately popped this into my DVD player for a view. This movie came free with a special edition of the Dead Space game that i bought.

Dead space movie downfall